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Carting a dob around - what do you use ?

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I've started helping out at public viewing sessions with my local astro society which means my 12" dob is having to be a bit more mobile than it has been.

I'm thinking about getting some sort of folding cart / sack truck to pop the scope on so that I can wheel it some distance from my car to the observing site. I'd be interested to see / hear about the solutions others use for this purpose :smiley:

My dob is around 180cm tall on it's base and Ideally I'd like something that I can put the whole scope on, held in place by some bungees or similar, and then roll it along. The terrain that I have to cross is generally fairly level but either a grassy field or farm track type surface. I guess I'll need wheels at least 10cm in diameter, perhaps larger ?

I'd prefer not to modify the dob or it's mount if possible because I'll only be doing this once a month or so and I don't need the facility when observing at home. Something that folds flat when it goes in the car with the scope would seem a good idea too !

So, how do you do it ? :smiley:

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I use this for both the 12 & 16 inch telescopes: (can take up to 26 stone weight)

Sack Truck

If I need to cart them any distance across the garden, wrapping bungee cords around the telescope and the sack trolley helps. The truck has come in handy for moving other stuff around too; cookers, building stuff, etc.!

If you are careful of any steps and bumps, the ride is so smooth you won't need to collimate.

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I replaced the 3 feet under the base with longer rubber feet, mine is a GoTo so its heavy anyway, but the longer feet allow a sack barrow (10" tyres  ") to slide under and with the Dob Mount sideways tipping and moving it quite easy .....

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