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Greetings from Buckinghamshire!


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Hello all! I have always had a slight interest in all things 'spacey' so recently decided to purchase my first telescope (Celestron Astromaster 130). I have been using it for a week using both 10mm and 20mm eyepieces that came with the telescope and so far have only had some nice detail views of the moon (is it possible to attach photos to a thread?) however, when trying to view stars or clusters it becomes blurred after a certain point of zooming. Is this due to the wrong eyepiece? Poor clarity?

Also if there are any extras that are worth buying that you guys recommend please let me know!

Thanks a lot

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Hi Jamie, welcome to SGL!  When you say 'zoom', please note that you are talking about the focuser and that this is not a 'zoom', it is there just to get your eyepiece and scope to the correct focus, if you try to use it as a 'zoom' it will just go out of focus.  To get more power you need to swap out the eyepiece and put the more powerful one in - the one with the lower number on the side.  I would not recommend any extras at the moment as you need to get used to the scope and the eyepieces you already have.  Hope this helps.

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Hi Jamie, welcome to SGL! When you say 'zoom', please note that you are talking about the focuser and that this is not a 'zoom', it is there just to get your eyepiece and scope to the correct focus, if you try to use it as a 'zoom' it will just go out of focus. To get more power you need to swap out the eyepiece and put the more powerful one in - the one with the lower number on the side. I would not recommend any extras at the moment as you need to get used to the scope and the eyepieces you already have. Hope this helps.

Thanks a lot rwilkey, very helpful indeed.

Like I said I'm incredibly amateurish at the moment so please excuse my terminology haha, but yes I' ll take some time with the scope and get used to it and take it from there.

Thanks for all the greetings as well everyone!

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