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Best ccd for lunar/planetary imaging?


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Up until now I have been a deep sky imager. Galaxies, Nebula - that kind of stuff.

But it seems to me that the only time the sky is clear is when the moon is up.

So in a light bulb moment I thought - why not go for the moon. Or the planets.

So I have the kit in my signature below. I guess the 98mm APO is not going to be much use - but the 10 inch RCT might work. Likewise the Atik 4000 might not be optimal for lunar/planetary imaging.

So my question is - what is the best ccd for lunar/planetary imaging?

I am guessing something that can shoot high frame rates so I can use Registax or similar.

Anyone got some good advice to a Newbie in this area? I have the telescope (OK - a telescope) and a half way decent mount. But I know nothing abut how to approach lunar/planetary imaging.

Any and all advice welcome. Especially if anyone knows of a good book on the subject. A bit like "Making every Photon Count".

Did Damian Peach every do a book?



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Damian has a DVD with video tutorials, and I have some tutorials on my blog ;)

As for CCD... planetary imaging already migrated to CMOS sensors. Among color sensors/cameras ASI224 is the winner. Among mono QHY/ASI with IMX174 is the higher shelf, while ASI120MM/QHY5L-II are the good starting level. Soon there will be also cooled variants of those cameras for planetary/DS imaging :) Supported by FireCapture for imaging. Castrator/Autostakkert/PIPP for stacking.

As for telescopes 98mm APO can be handy for whole globe imaging of Moon/Sun (with Atik 4000 too). 10" RC for planets, moon closeup and if the OTA design allows - white light solar too.

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I use Imaging Source DMK21au618, DMK41AU02 and Skyris 618C for my planetary, lunar and solar work and they give me quite good results.

When it comes to Damian Peach DVD or tutorials, I'm skeptical, it seems like he holds back a lot of critical information so I think just practice and read some tips here on SGL, you'll find them more informative.

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