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Newbie stargazer


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Hi Sagan and welcome to SGL, the mere thought of wanting to indulge in Astronomy, starts those clouds rolling in, if it doesn't` then, you can be rest assured as soon as you start opening boxes containing telescopes, it clouds over. It just a question of patience, you will soon be able to use your new scope, enjoy the forum :)   

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Thanks for such a warm welcome, everyone, and for the suggestions. I've downloaded Stellarium and am amazed at what it can do. Have also checked the collimation, aligned the Easy Finder with the scope, read a book, checked over the operating instructions a couple times, got my journal ready to go, and checked weather sites repeatedly. I'm itching to go! I have to admit I got fairly excited when I took the scope out during the day to do the alignment and saw how much detail I got on a faraway tree. Luckily, a few of the various sites are all showing about a three hour clear skies gap for late tonight. Fingers crossed it stays that way. I don't think I ever noticed how cloudy the skies usually are until now!

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.......having everything sorted and with all the goodwill in the World, you  cannot beat Mother nature, and/or the seeing conditions aloft, even Murphy's law can/will spoil what could appear to be a perfect session.

I've been studying the skies for a while, and I have very limited views from my back garden, yet every now and then, things just seem so different,  and occasionally, everything is just perfect,  including the final image. I've  struggled at times to see all that Jupiter has to offer, the very faint GRS (Great Red Spot)  or any of the transit shadows from the many Moons Jupiter controls, often thinking, maybe the scope is not up to it, or just me and my old eyes are getting worse, then all of a sudden, every thing is crystal clear, sharply focused and a memory that I can't forget. The only issue I know have is that if that final image was twice the size, then it would have been twice as impressive, so my search for bigger/better started, but has now halted again , as I think I have in all probability, the best in class that I can handle with this type of scope. (for now  :smiley: )

I hope you have  more than a few perfect night ahead.

Note: If I had taken the telescope to any of  my darker sites instead of sitting in the garden, I  would have seen more much, guaranteed. My main issue here  is street light pollution, but as long as I shield my eyes from the street lights, I can see more, but its hard to avoid.

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Hi and welcome to the forum.

I can certainly add my vote for Stellarium. I am a recent newcomer and it has helped me a great deal.

I good simple star allas will also help. I just bought Sky & Telescope's Pocket Sky Atlas (based on info on this forum) and I have found it to be a great complement to Stellarium as it gives you more detailed information.

Enjoy your new hobby.

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welcome to SGL and the enjoyment that is stargazing.... I'd suggest checking out www.clearoutside.com or download their app to give you a rough idea of what the clouds might be doing...I'm currently hoping that they've got it right tonight and from about 22:00 tonight I shall be gazing and imaging.. first chance since getting my scope last weds heh.

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Hi Sagan, newbie to the site here as well.

So... you encountered the first law of astronomy: new scope means bad weather  :evil: ...

When the weather is bad, this is the place to be :grin:

I am sure you will have great fun, with your new equipment as well as on the site.



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Hi Sagan and welcome to SGL.

Hopefully you will get a lucky break in the cloud cover and get to see some great sights in the night sky.

Try and find a nice sheltered, but safe, location as far away from Colchesters light pollution, you will be surprised how much difference it will make.

Good luck and clear skies.


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Hi Sagan from Western New York State.  Welcome to this wonderful forum.  I have gotten lots of good advice from folks here.   I have similar cloudy sky problems here (ever since I bought my new telescope.)  Here's to clear skies in our near future!  

Good luck Sagan and have fun,


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