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Celestron slt130 reflector alignment/locking screws

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Hi a friend of mine has messaged me asking for help with putting the screws back that have come lose on their celestron 130 SLT,  I've never used a reflector so have no clue.

One seems to be an alignment screw and one a locking screw from what I can see on the image.

I would think they just screwed back in place but she cant seem to put them back. Is there a certain way of doing it or would she possibly have to remove the cell then align it correctly ?post-37526-0-10538500-1444859317.jpgpost-37526-0-23639500-1444859335.jpg

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Your right, the longer bolts are the lock nuts. You should just be able to screw them back on.

There is a gap between the outer plate, the bit the bolts stick through and  the inner plate. Can she not see between the plates to see why the thumbscrews do not engage?

Failing that, the whole end cap can be detached from the tube, by removing the screws around the circumference of the tube. Just mark everything before any disassembly takes place? This may offer a better view of the internal workings.

Point the telescope upright, in case there is insufficient reach to the bolts that are within, and try to screw them back on.

On my scope the adjusters pass through the end plate and then into the mirror assembly. It would appear that the bolt end of your adjusters are inside already.

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