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we are made of star stuff


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Bound to have been many threads on this before but have watched Carl Segan this morning talking about evolution , man returning to the stars from whence we came 5 billion years ago he uttered the now immortal phrase " we are made of star stuff" and I have to admit I had a lump in my throat at the sheer emotional enormity of this one simple statement.

What does it mean to you?

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Pretty much what Michael said. The sheer improbability of something made in the centre of a star, ending up in a planetary system around another star and becoming us is quite mind boggling! I agree with your sentiment!

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As per the above really. To me it seems entirely natural to have a keen interest in the Universe as we are very much part of it. It's an optomistic thought as well I feel as the stuff of which I'm made will continue on to be part of other things beyond my short lifetime.

Carl did have a knack for setting these concepts out clearly and engagingly. His "Pale blue dot" piece is also very moving I feel.

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I try to drop this reality on the girls at school whenever I can (Usually when officiating in physics class). We are star dust, and we didn't even have to go to Woodstock :).

Pulling the tone down you could even say we are nuclear waste ;).

I'll just chuck another thought in here, a slight exageration perhaps, "a star died so that we could be born" think on it and it's very humbling.

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I'll just chuck another thought in here, a slight exageration perhaps, "a star died so that we could be born" think on it and it's very humbling.

It's very romantic, but we need to be careful before giving stars/the universe intent.

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Whats even stranger is that it took maybe 4 generations of stars and a supernova to make me.


Stranger still that so much more of that energy, material and time went to make 13.4 million people ....... who sat and watched cakes being baked on TV for an hour last week !

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Stranger still that so much more of that energy, material and time went to make 13.4 million people ....... who sat and watched cakes being baked on TV for an hour last week !

......and were you one of these 13.4 million John? I think your readers have a right to know [emoji6][emoji6]

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Stranger still that so much more of that energy, material and time went to make 13.4 million people ....... who sat and watched cakes being baked on TV for an hour last week !

Guilty as charged m'lud  :grin: . Still it was a gentle and cheerful way to pass an hour.

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......and were you one of these 13.4 million John? I think your readers have a right to know [emoji6][emoji6]

Nope - I was star gazing :grin:

I don't watch TV to be honest Stu. My other half watched it though so there you go !

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If you're moved by the fact that our material selves were forged in stars (and not to be so moved would be pretty odd!) then Marcus Chown's The Magic Furnace - the history of our understanding of atoms - will delight you. 



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