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Aurora, or did I hallucinate ?


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Was out this(/yesterday) evening 8:30 +/- local time (EDIT sorry typo 9:30 local, ie, after the Healy memorial on Beeb2 !)

N. Somerset (SW Bristol)

a milky-white glow / band low on northern horizon, (not an arc as seen in previous years)

was it mist illuminated by newfangled LED things ? but I could see stars through it even though there was patchy cloud above, , too late in season for NLC,,,,oh my ggg ! is it ,,

Lo! a vertical shaft !

ah, called friends on mobile

two more shafts then 20min later it all subsided and was gone, evidently not mist nor an hallucination, friends didnt arrive in time :(

If I saw it down here this far south then midlands and points north shoudav been spectacular ???

no one ???

nothing on BBC either.

Maybe I did hallucinate after all ? (but there has been megga reports on amateur radio of auroral reflections )

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I was looking hard from here (near you) for it but I didn't see anything that looked aurora-like to me. Not that I've much experience of viewing aurora !

The clouds to the N did look a little "odd" though so that might have been it. I ended up pointing my scope the other way where there was a clear patch :smiley:

It was seen from not too far from us though:


There was a star party at Tyntesfield yesterday evening - I hope they got enough gaps in the clouds to see something !

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I was looking hard from here (near you) for it but I didn't see anything that looked aurora-like to me. Not that I've much experience of viewing aurora !

The clouds to the N did look a little "odd" though so that might have been it. I ended up pointing my scope the other way where there was a clear patch :smiley:

It was seen from not too far from us though:


There was a star party at Tyntesfield yesterday evening - I hope they got enough gaps in the clouds to see something !

Thanks John, I think I was lookin over your head on the left with Brizzle on the right !

didnt think to look in imigin !

I've since found


Tyntesfield star party  ?? wot ?? !

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Definitely an aurora. We had good views for about half an hour but it was best seen with short exposure DSLR images. Colour here was predominately green with light streaks, rather grey to the unaided eye. Gave up at 11pm despite the KP index being high, slight flickering on the North horizon suggested further activity further North. :smiley:

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Sounds very similar to what I saw when the show started up here! A thin grey-ish green band arching low arcoss the Northern horizon, then 8-9 evenly spread out shafts of light spearing straight up into the sky (it was these that originally caught my attention), from then on it was a fabulous show with green/blue waves racing from NW to NE along the top of the grey band. I ended up grabbing a bottle of wine, then the wife, then some neighbours and having a great time watching the show!

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We had a pretty good display here ( about 10 km North of Glasgow ). Started off as you described, dull use grey/green, but built up over an hour or so into a bright display with ribbons and curtains. Best I've seen here for a while.

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Morning all  !

Kp went up to 7 later but by then there was too much cloud :(

I had expected that the forum and interwebby would be full of glorious reports especially from Scotland and usual places, of a megga display when I got home, but seems like it was just a brief flash in the pan.

Zodiacal Light due north, that would be a first !

Yes, as Peter says, seen lots of auroras (aurorae ?) over the past (well never you mind how many :) ! ) decades but never the ZL.

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