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Crayford Focuser for 6" SCT

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I tried this post in another Forum, but no takers.  Anyone have any ideas?

I'm trying to find a crayford focuser for my Celestron Nexstar Evolution 6.  All those I've seen so far are designed for 8" or bigger, and won't fit on the visual back of the 6" version because of the limited clearance to the existing focus knob.  Others seem too long to get a reasonable elevation without the attatchment fouling the mount.

Has anyone found a crayford focuser which might suit a small SCT

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If you are on a fork arm mount you may have trouble fitting one - even if it were an 8" version, there simply wouldn't be enough room I wouldn't have thought.  The options therefore would be:

1 - Feathertouch microfocuser which replaces existing focuser

2 - Change the mount to an equatorial one

Failing that if you remove the visual back on the rear of the OTA are you left with a 2" opening with SCT screw thread?  if so any Crayford would fit but you will still have the problems above

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