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NGC7635 - The Bubble nebula in HST palette


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This is the first complete image with my Orion Optics ODK10. I was a little worried how my mount would cope with 1.7m in focal length, but I needn't have bothered! This is a Hubble Palette (I know, I know..... not bicolour!!!!) so a little different to my usual.

While the edges look rough on here, they are fine on the larger version........ honest!!!


M: Avalon Linear Fast Reverse
T: ODK10
C: QSI683 ws-g with 3nm narrowband filters.

16x1800s Ha
17x1800s OIII
18x1800s SII

25.5 hours total integration time.


You can see a higher res version here 

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Thanks all for looking and commenting - It's much appreciated. 

The scope took a little tweaking but the collimation instructions were easy enough to follow. There's a couple of things that I think OO should say before even touching the scope, so I'll forward those thoughts on to the guys at OO.

I was worried about how the Avalon would cope with the scope, but it's absolutely fine and dealing with the focal length admirably. I can't say how pleased I am with this mount, it's a top quality product (even if it's just a blinged up EQ6!!! :D

As for the Kodak chip ............ Love it!!! I wish I'd never bothered with the ICX814 Sony chip and should not have listened to the doubters out there.

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That is very, very impressive with delicate resolution and lovely control of the brightness in the Bubble itself. And your usual 'no slacking' approach to getting enough data!

Yves and I never did get a manual for his ODK, though I asked for one. You seem to have managed without!

Very impressive performance from the Avalon, too.


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Thanks folks for looking and taking the time to comment :)

........I get the feeling you're not done with this image though?? :)

I can assure you that this image is done for ............... Do you think it needs more? :)

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