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A little advice please

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Morning all,

I have been away from astronomy for a couple of years now due to marrage break up but am now back on track in a new relationship and ready to get back to it :)

I am after a little advice, I would like to hear from you on which direction would be the best, My passion is deep space imaging. but i am pondering on should i start with a good dlsr camera and some lenses if so I would need to purchase a good tracking mount. or do I go down the road of telescope setup  and a ccd single shot camera and filters.

I have none of my old gear as i had to sell it all to keep a roof over my head, so starting from scratch now and would be great to have some advice to give me a clearer idea of where to start.

It's just you look at images people have taken with stand alone dlsr cameras and it keeps making me ask myself do i need the whole telescope setup again. but I did love the options and many choices with a telescope.

But would i loose out on quality of images depth to images ect ect.

I look forward to hearing from you all

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It's largely a question of what you want to do and what your budget is, but there is plenty of scope in lens imaging. There's a gallery of my images here if you are interested, most were taken using lenses between 18mm and 200mm focal length, with the odd telescopic image thrown in. I'm still some way from reaching the full potential of my relatively modest imaging rig. I mostly use old M42 lenses with my modded DSLR, although I have just invested in a 200mm f2.8 L lens.

Hope that's some help.

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