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Greetings from Yorkshire


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Evening all, a work colleague pointed me to here as I've recently found myself with bit by the astrophotography bug. -I say that, I've no idea what I'm doing, picking up bits here and there, mainly just pointing my camera up at the stars in my garden and taking a few pics. What started out as a few star trails behind the apple tree in my garden quickly escalated to taking 70+ images of Cassiopeia and stacking them with deep sky stacker.

(Pictured below) for a first shot, and only 4 miles from Leeds city centre, it's not to shabby. 94793e57b19b2e2645f967f4112d508a.jpg

Just hooked up my skywatchers maksutov(?) up to my camera to see about getting something a little more in testing than a star field. Any tips?

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HI and welcome to SGL - If you are interested primarily in DSO's (nebula's and galaxies for example) then you'll do well to buy a copy of the book 'Making Every Photon Count' available from the book section of the FLO website. This is something of an imagers bible and will help you with everything that you will need to know for this specific area.

Look forward to seeing you around :)

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Hello Rob

Welcome to the world of SGL and the knowledgeable people in it.

If you need any help or a chat please pop along to one of our monthly meetings at Wakefield and District Astronomical Society where we'll be pleased to help.


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Such a warm welcome. many thanks. :) 

I'm sure I'll have plenty of questions and (hopefully) many more pictures to share. The Moon is proving illusive at the moment. mainly because of our typical English weather. and also due to work commitments and lots of travel. 

That said, I'll be in Edinburgh for the next few days so hoping to catch some clear dark skies while up there. 

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