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Moon 21/9 - 600D Video crop mode x3, 5 panel mosaic


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Nicely put together :)


Thanks James. This one was with camera direct through telescope, attempting to do another one through my Baader Hyperion 5mm to compare.

This is one frame from one video straight from PIPP (apart from JPG compression) so looks promising


and here is the first stack


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Some eyepieces are considerably better than others for afocal I think.  Some seem to introduce colour fringing in afocal images whilst others appear to have none.  I've no idea which are good and which are bad though.


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Sorry to be late coming to this post but I really like the OP showing the straight wall.

Like laudrop above I'm making my way through the lunar 100 (visual not imaging) and finding it gives real structure to my Luna observing. So far I have managed 69/100, just the more difficult items left.

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Sorry to be late coming to this post but I really like the OP showing the straight wall.

Like laudrop above I'm making my way through the lunar 100 (visual not imaging) and finding it gives real structure to my Luna observing. So far I have managed 69/100, just the more difficult items left.

Thanks Alan, I have just downloaded the list ( following Laudropbs post). Not sure how many I can see/photograph with my modest equipment but I like a challenge.

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The focus looks better in the Hyperion image, but there's some definite colour-fringing there.  I reckon I'd work on getting the focus better at prime focus.


Thanks James.

Just cropped the same region from my latest moon http://stargazerslounge.com/topic/253340-moon-mosaic-23-09-2015/, this is probably as good as it is going to get with the equipment I have. Better than original, no better than Hyperion but less colour fringes.


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It might also be interesting to use the DSLR to take, say. 100 to 120 still frames, then stack the best 50.  Use the RAW images, crop if required using PIPP and then stack.  It would be interesting to see how it compares with the video.


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It might also be interesting to use the DSLR to take, say. 100 to 120 still frames, then stack the best 50.  Use the RAW images, crop if required using PIPP and then stack.  It would be interesting to see how it compares with the video.


To be a fair comparison I will need to take both video and stills at the same time so next time I'm out I'll have a go. In the past I have compared them (but not that precisely) and there has been no comparison, video won hands down.

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Thanks Alan, I have just downloaded the list ( following Laudropbs post). Not sure how many I can see/photograph with my modest equipment but I like a challenge.

I would expect the vast majority will be available to image and most for visual.

Good luck with the quest.

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