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The complete Veil complex in colour


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This is a 2 pane mosaic as I really wanted to get the whole complex in and get a view that we don't often see. I tried it in a couple of different colours, including my usual orange and blue palette, but with the whole thing it just didn't work......... so the more traditional bi colour it is! I think I could have gathered some more data for this really, but the FSQ85 took a well deserved break :)

M: Avalon Linear Fast reverse
T: Takahashi FSQ85 with 0.73x reducer
C: QSI 683 with 1.25" 3nm Astrodon Ha and OIII filters.

Pane 1 - 15x1800s Ha, 15x1800s OIII
Pane 2 - 15x1800s Ha, 15x1800s OIII

Total time: 30 hours


You can see a higher res version here

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Amazing image , the faint detail is so clear, first time Ive noted the arc of nebulosity across the top of the Veil.     Looks like smoke flowing in a breeze..

Good point, I don't remember seeing that either. The visibility of the Veil has a lot to do with how the filaments line up, it could look quite different from a slightly different vantage point.

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Thanks guys for your continued comments - I agree that this has gone pretty deep .... not bad for a Kodak chip with such bad QE !!! .... :D :d 

I'm not totally happy with this hence why it's sat on my PC for pretty much a month. I'm not sure what I had in mind (I guess we do have ideas about what we expect when we start processing and selecting a target) but this hasn't hit the mark for me.

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Well, you've done it again Sara - absolutely superb image, better than any I've seen of this :)  The depth is truly amazing :)  This is what I intend to be pointing my widefield triple imaging rig at when we get some clear skies, though in past sessions I've not seen much SII.

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Sara have you noticed a big difference going to 3nm Astrodons? I'm moving to 5nm at the moment, might go for 3nm selectively if I can see it to be worth it :)

I originally started off with the 7nm Baader NB filters and when I swapped to the 3nm I think that I got an increase in contrast, less noise and smaller stars! I did post a direct comparison on here between the two, and people felt it was inconclusive I think. I'm happy with the 3nm's - I know that if I'd have got the 5's I would have always wondered!

Thanks all for your comments - I look forward to seeing your rendition Gina. I didn't even bother trying for the SII :)

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