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May I introduce myself


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Hi folks at SGL,

my name is Lars, I'm 40 years old and live in Salzgitter, Germany. I'm not new to astronomy but observed only sporadically. Now my interest has reawakened as I will try to combine 2 hobbies together and get into astrophotography. Over the last years and especially the last few weeks the Lounge was of great help to me deciding which way to go and where to start in AP. So I thought I may aswell sign up and try to give back some of what I learned through the forum. Also I like the way people treat each other and the general conversation style.

Please bear in mind that english is not my native language and be patient with me if I may express myself imprecisely or use inaccurate translation.  :grin:

So here's what I'm equipped with:

  • HEQ5 Syntrek with Poseidon USB-to-EQ Adapter, Ascom, EQMod, CdC, PHD2 and AstroTortilla. The latter to come soon...
  • TS130/1000 f/7.7 Newton for mainly visual observations and Planets, SkyLux 70/700 f/10 Refractor as a guide scope and a newly purchased SW 150PDS f/5 for my first steps into deep sky astrophotography
  • Canon EOS1000D not (yet) modified, Logitech QuickCam 4000 Pro as guiding and planetary camera (soon to be replaced for something better)
  • Some cheapish eyepieces as I couldn't get the hang of visual observation (you decide about cause and effect  :smiley: ) and all the little bits and pieces one needs...

So with this I hope to archive the first real results and hope to get some good advice through the board as I have in the past as a guest.

Clear Skies ... Lars

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Hi Lars and welcome to SGL - Glad that you found us and hope that you enjoy your time here. If your english is up to it  (and it seems excellent to me :D ) can I recommend the book Making Every Photon Count. Available in the book section of the FLO website, it's something of an imagers bible.

Look forward to seeing you around :)

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Thanks for the warm welcome, folks!

they say you don't have to be i little crazy,but it helps :D

You know... I do all kinds of crazy stuff. They say I'm sometimes not up to my age behavior wise. So I guess I have what it takes.... :D

I recommend the book Making Every Photon Count.

Thanks, Sara, for the tip. I will try to get hold of a copy. I've seen it being advertised a lot on this forum so it seems to be worth while. 

Hello Lars!

I am a Lars and from Germany myself!!!!

Hi Lars! Well, they say the world is small :D May I ask you from where in Germany you are from?

Clear skies ... Lars

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