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Spotting Planetary Moons


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Having managed to spot Neptune's brightest moon Triton a few times recently, I'm interested to find out what other planetary moons we can see with amateur scopes. I came across this recent article on the UniverseToday website which addresses just this issue:


For me, I think Uranus is a next challenge. I reckon Titania and Oberon might be possible with my 12" dob. I was also unaware that both Phobos and Deimos, Mars tiny moons, could be possibilties next year when Mars is at opposition. I've yet to see Mimas at Saturn either.

Others with larger apertures might be able to go further than this ?

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Nice post John. I've not really given this any effort at so will certainly have a go. Might roll out the 16" for a crack at it, although I imagine seeing conditions are pretty critical so might have to head somewhere away from home

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