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Hello from sunny South Africa!


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A little delayed but hello everyone!!!

After watching two seasons of 'How the Universe Works' and the resulting absolute fascination with the great beyond, husband and I decided we simply have to invest in our first scope and make the heavens our playground!! So we ordered a Nexstar 8SE observation kit (with all the lovely added extras) from B&H and had it shipped all the way from the US-of-A.. the longest wait of my life!!!

After hours of struggling to get it aligned (the OTA was upside down :tongue:.. and of course husband did point out that it was upside down, several times in fact, I just didn't think it mattered), two weeks of end-of-winter pale dusty skies, and finally a couple of days of icy, rainy days - we had the clearest skies yet last night (I could actually see parts of the milky way from our front door!!) with a glorious view of Saturn!! So far we've seen a couple of globular clusters, the ring nebula (I was beyond excited!!!), our go-to planet saturn, mercury, and - of course - mr moon!!

Next step is definitely to include my other love, photography, and get some pics!!! Now just to build a wedge and save for that focal reducer!!

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Hi and welcome "TheBug" family to SGL, that is a very nice sized scope you have bought yourselves in the 8SE, SGL is a mine of information for you to tap into, just pop your question into the appropriate section, to hopefully resolve your problem, enjoy your Astronomy and the forum :)

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