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Writhing Prominence


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Hi Everyone:

I was concentrating on creating an animation of a sunspot region, but got an added bonus of a prominence. Not a large one, but I like the writhing motion here.

It was a tough outing yesterday: poor seeing (2/5), newton rings (which I eventually solved using PS), the tip of a tripod leg broke off, the tracking was poor. But at least I got something out of it!

Do you like the surface detail or does it distract from the prominence?



Video is here:


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Lovely animation Charles, thanks for posting.

I find surface detail fascinating too so I personally like both. I guess you could try overlaying a transparent bit of a disc over the surface or something like that if you want to put a bit more emphasis on the prom, the sufrace is drawing my eye a bit with its brightness and contrast but it's fine for me personally, lovely to see the motion.

I hope your next outing is a little less evenful! :eek:  I guess we all have a session like that where everything goes wrong. Usually when there is only a small gap and precious little recovery time :rolleyes:

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