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Cocoon nebula IC5146 in colour


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IC 5146 (also Caldwell 19, Sh 2-125, and the Cocoon Nebula) is a reflection/emission nebula in the constellation of Cygnus. The distance is about 4,000 light years away. When viewing IC 5146, dark nebula Barnard 168 (B168) is an inseparable part of the experience, forming a dark lane that surrounds the cluster and projects westward forming the appearance of a trail behind the Cocoon.

This is an image taken with the QSI690 that I was hoping to add to, but it won't be happening, so I decided to post! There are no more Sony ICX814 sensor image in my arsenal!!

I welcome all thoughts regarding the image - I had such ideas for this one that just didn't come off - Hence why it's sat on my PC for so long.

M: Avalon Linear Fast Reverse
T: Takahashi FSQ85 0.73x
C: QSI690-wsg with Baader RGB filters and Astrodon 3nm Ha.

34x1800s Ha
50x300s for R, G and B

Totalling 29.5 hours.


You can see a full res version here http://swagastro.weebly.com/uploads/2/3/3/7/23377322/_cocoon_hargb.jpg

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You've really picked up the Ha ribbon running through the nebula, well balanced star colour and control.  You can also see the greeny/brown colour of the molecular cloud of B168 - simply beautiful.  A fitting swan song for the 690?

What's also remarkable, assuming that the image isn't cropped (apart from stacking remnants), is the contrast with the FOV of the 690 and 683.

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Thanks Barry, Laudropb and Harry for your comments.

@ Barry - This is as is with regards to fov, and the edges have only been cropped off for tidying up purposes.

@Harry - I really struggled with the processing of this - There's so many examples of Cocoon colours that I just wasn't sure where to turn!! I hope I can revisit this next year with a few more ideas and more data to really get what I want. 

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Man that is loaded with emissions nebula and the processing is fantastic you've done a fantastic job with the stars, so much colour and the cocoon is wonderful. The dark nebula really stands out too. Wonderful image! 


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