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Remote focusser

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So I'm making progress with my Atik 460 coupled to SW80 ED. However focussing is clearly crucial. I don't have an obsy yet but manage the system ok with cables to a nice warm shed. However I have not managed to set up a reliable system for focussing, so there is a lot of running to and from the scope holding a laptop with usb cables dangling. Plus the SW basic focusser as previously observed is rubbish. What would people recommend as a motorised focusser that I can operate from the shed? I've tried the SW one with a long cable which is ok but the bracket and axle couplings are rubbish. I got a Motofocus but can't see how to use this with a long lead. So I wondered about Moonlite who do provide a long serial cable but some say the focusser isn't that great. Maybe Baader but does that work on a long cable. By the way I work the scope with Skyfi which is great.

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I use various focusers on different scopes (including a Moonlight which I find excellent) driven by a Lakeside unit through Focusmax.  I drive them through a 10m length of USB cable from the scope which is outside, to a shed.  The shed is not warm, but the focussing system works a treat.  I focus whenever I want (e.g. after a filter change) automatically using MaxPilote (free) which also controls everything else whilst I am in the pub. 


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