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A CCD quandary, 2nd camera


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I bought an Atik One-6 earlier in the year and haven't touched my modded 1100D since. I will hook it up to give it another go but this clearly isn't my main camera now.

I have had a tinker with camera lenses on the Atik to good effect so I thought it would be good to be able to do a widefield at the same time as the evening target.

This has got me thinking of a second CCD instead of the dslr, but should that be a OSC or stick with another Mono. I'm thinking of a secondhand 314L+, if I chose mono I'd probably equip it with a HA filter and just do wide HA. I can dual shoot through two scopes or some lenses.

Any one had a similar choice or any thoughts?

thanks for looking


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If youre going for a 2nd CCD to mix with your Atik, then you need something with the same size (or bigger) chip - and ideally on identical optics (or optics of a very similar focal length) if you are going down the twin shooter road.

However, what you can do right now is use the DSLR for RGB, and the CCD for luminance. That wont solve the problem of DSLR chromatic noise, but that can be worked on given some careful processing. For example:

Atik 383 Lum (130pds/650mm) + 1000d RGB (80ED/510mm):


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Hmmm, I'm not convinced that DSLR colour is the way to go, personally. Firstly the chromatic noise is enormous (just what you don't want in an RGB layer), secondly the dither (Tony Hallas suggests at least 12 pixels) needed to sort it out is too large to work well with smaller CCD chips and thirdly the shallow well depth is not good for star colour. On the other hand, if you happen to have one already, it won't cost you!

I've spent time with mono and OSC sister cameras and with two mono sister cameras. It's an absolute no brainer. The two monos get far more done in the time.


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