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Hello from Sarajevo


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Hi everyone, few month ago I discovered that a lot of planes is flying above my location, even more when there are storms in northern europe. At first I get some cheap binos ( 10x50 ) and next step which I didn't take yet, was to take Skymaster 15x70 binos. Also I like astronomy a lot but never tried to find some info about telescopes because I thought that decent telescope would cost around 3-4 K of euros. I also discovered that I can buy very good telescopes for much less money and that even with good binos I can watch stars (  alot of them ) from my position, I live in capital city of my coutry but not in downtown. There is a lot of light polution here especially when there is a footbal game because I am living next to the stadium and reflectors doesn't help at all, also there is some nasty neighbour across the street and his house lights can be seen with closed eyes under the blankets, but most of the time I can enjoy not so light poluted sky, around 90% of the time.

First time when I took the binos and looked in the sky I was literraly crying, overwhelmed by the numbers of the stars I can see through my really cheap ( but not sooooooo bad ) binoculars.

And when i discovered that I can see Jupiter, Saturn and other planets, not to talk about M42, I really coudn't believe that.

Also I have a large interest in aeroplanes, and the first idea to take the binos was to watch planes flying at altitude of 35000 feet across my building. There is around 100 planes I think during the day that I can see from my place.

From this forum I have learned a lot of things, I also had to learn about specific types of mount for telescopes, different types of optics.

I am taking some steps to order a new telescope ( Skyliner 200P is my choice so far ) and to attach Canon DSLR to it.

Also with joining this forum there is another small member attached to me ( my daugter is 7 years old and she is following me with all this things ), so far she only have small binos 8x35, but eventually I hope that she will be a stargazer one day.

I am very glad that I found this forum, sorry for huge intro ( it is in my nature to talk a lot ).

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Greetings and welcome to SGL! As you have probably gathered, the people here are friendly and intelligent and welcome questions pertaining to any of the myriad aspects of astronomy - from mount designs to quantum-mechanics. So pull up a chair and make yourself at home!

All the best,


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Welcome dejson!

Your story is exactly like yours only that I live in the susburbs of London (plenty of light pollution and planes) and I do not have a little princess like you :)

I also was thinking of buying the same telescope but I rather learn a bit more about constellations and find suitable places to look and then see if I need portability or I can buy a bigger one... 

Enjoy the forum!

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