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Build solar system magazine

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I saw an ad for this and before I go nuts and sign up for a subscription is this worth it for a newbie. At the minute I am dipping my feet in the water, is this a good place to start? Also do you think it's worth an extra quid a week for the telescope and that other thing. No idea what that is

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Difficult to say whether the orrery is worth the money but, to be fair, they are quite expensive to buy ready made. I am toying with the idea of subscribing myself, if it's £6.99 for 52 weeks I think you get something that will be worth the cost provided all the components they send are well made. I did start subscribing on my iPad but would only let me do so by buying the extras which I don't want. The telescope looks low quality to me and imho is unlikely to inspire anyone to take up astronomy.

The "other thing" is a planisphere and they are excellent, I have several around the house (so don't really need another one). It's basically a map of the night sky where you set the date and time and it shows you what is up in the sky at that moment. However, you can get them easily enough for £10-£15 and that often includes extras (a small book etc) and Astroboot often (I don't think I've ever seen them not on the website) for £3.50 so, personally I would avoid the extras, but I am still interested in just the orrery.

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Well, it is £7 per issue or £8 per issue if you upgrade.

That is £364 or £416, which seems a lot, and there is the question what if they cease the magazine say half way through.

The model does not say if it is brass or metal construction - well I cannot see it specified and they may manage to have produced suitably coloured plastic. So dig into that aspect unless you know what they specify as the material.

The item is an Orrery, would suggest looking at the cost of one but they would not be a week by week purchase.

Myself I would look to find one I liked and purchase rather then do it via a magazine on a week by week basis.

A planesphere you can purchase easily for about £6.

The scope does not look great, also the wording is a bit odd or incorrect - always causes me to question - it says "a 70mm objective barlow lens".

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Felt that maybe the case triton in regard to a toy telescope and may give this a miss for the subscription. Will have a look at the 1st issue though.

Someone asked if it was brass and according to the ad it is.

Glad I asked first and seems it's best avoided.

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It is brass - I have one. The scope is a toy that I wouldn't pay £50 for. Brass orrery's are expensive and you'll pay a fair bit more for a fully made but different ornament - even more still for an antique. But you can find even this one for half price online - another member got one after the last magazine series was finished. That's the time to look for it.

The value to me lay in building a brass instrument which was a fun learning experience even if a bit dear - at least the cost is spread. SPM lent his name to the first series for whatever importance you attach to that. And it does work, and is a nice ornament that never fails to inspire a conversation. And for any newcomer to astronomy the mags provide a lot of basic and interesting astro information.

So it's really a personal decision, but I can safely advise that whilst it's a little more expensive than it needs to be, you do get a fair few extras with it - magazines, toolkit, folders, etc. Any parts that aren't right - they will just a new pack a short time after you let them know. The only downside for me? Constantly dusting the darned thing lol. :)

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