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Hi - need help finding a forum


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I am brand new to this forum, so excited to be here.

I am a beginner at stargazing, and bought a pair of skygazing binos on Amazon:  https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00008Y0VN/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

And I will be going camping on the beach this Labor Day, and need to find out how to post a question for the kind of tripod I would need in the right forum?



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Have fun with your/our hobby.

Here is where you'll find answers to your questions. And you're already showing savvy by asking where best to post those questions.

You're gonna be fine ...

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Hello Pam. I have those binos too. They will attach to any standard photography tripod, and they come with the right bracket in the box. They are quite heavy so make it a sturdy one.

I find it is easier to lay back in a camp chair and just use them handheld.

Enjoy your purchase!

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Hi Pam and welcome to SGL, I have the same bins and I am quite satisfied with them, they do however need to be tripod mounted for stability, as they are, like most large bins, difficult to hold steady. Just post your inquiry, or any question, into the relevant section of the forum for help and assistance, enjoy your Astronomy :)

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Welcome to SGL and Clear skies, from down-under

You're in the right forum... All you need to do is start a topic in the "getting started" section and there are heaps of people here who are willing to offer advise.

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