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Nasty splodge on flat frames

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Still learning the ropes with my new Atik 460 coupled to SW ED 80 with Televue FR and Celestron filter wheel. The wheel lets in a lot of light but stopped this with foil and a shroud made from the leg of some discarded joggers. Decided to start building up a library of darks since it was cloudy, all went well. Thought I would do some flats too though I am thinking flats probably need to be done at each imaging session since any imperfections may vary from session to session (and filter to filter I suppose).

I know there is some tolerance of dirt on the optics which is why we do the flats but this splodge seems a bit much and I cant work out where it is coming from. Have cleaned the FR and (very carefully) the front of the objective. It doesnt rotate when I rotate the camera so does that mean it is on the sensor?


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Agreed. Chip window. That isn't partularly bad, by the way, but the danger is that it might move. Best to clean it, I think.

By the way, don't take darks on the scope. Even the tiniest amount of light will wreck them. Atik supply a thick metal screw on cap so that you can get perfect darks.

If your camera stays on the scope then flats will be pretty durable. I need to re-do them every couple of months, no more than that. Anything on the objective will have no effect whatever on flats. Think of the huge central obstruction on a Ritchey Chrétien. That doesn't show!


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