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AR2396 from 8th Aug - Quark


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Hi everyone,

This is from Saturday with my usual gear, Equinox 120, Quark Chromo and Grasshopper 3 (ICX687). I think I lost a bit of detail around the spots during processing, will keep a look out for that next time, trying to nail down a processing routine! Thanks for looking!





8th August, 2015

Equinox 120, Quark Chromosphere, Grasshopper 3 camera (ICX687), 0.5x reducer

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I love those shots Luke, particularly the monochrome one.  Also, I think you have it spot on texture wise.  Sometimes people are tempted to rather over-sharpen images so the surface looks un-naturally sharp and not repesentative of the Sun's true nature. Yours is first rate, it would look good on my wall :grin:

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Thanks for the kind words! :laugh:

Paul that's helpful thank you, the main thing I was looking at trying to nail down in my processing routine was the sharpness method, I was trying to get detailed and soft.

My processing is all over the place at times and though that can be fun it can be frustrating when I get stuck so I hope I can find a solid, dependable, quick routine!

It's been interesting trying to tie down a routine as it made me try a few different ways to sharpen and I ended up using the one I thought would come last! I normally use Photoshop Smart Sharpen (partly because of speed and convenience) and I figured I would eventually move over to Lucy Richardson deconvolution.

But instead I liked how Wiener Deblur in AstraImage came out  :shocked:

It might just be me and my personal preference but if anyone wants to know, I used two passes of Wiener (Gaussian Blur Kernel):

  1. Blur kernel size: 1, Smoothing: 70 (how lazy! I used the default!)
  2. Blur kernel size: 0.75, Smoothing: 95

I hope I've made a good start on nailing it down, I need to play a little with the other steps!

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