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Nice Perseids


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Last night (12th) I managed to get a couple of hours enjoying the Perseid show in North Wales.

Although the seeing was not great, with quite a lot of high level cloud and general mistiness providing a nice surface for town lights to bounce off, I enjoyed some really nice tracks, some of them very bright.

This was great, becasue a number of factors came together for me.

  • I was at home that night and not in some dull hotel somewhere
  • You could see the stars, rather than our usual Welsh cloud cover
  • I did not have to worry about getting up at half past five for my next road trip

So just some time to relax under the sky and remember why I love this stuff. Could just make out the Milky Way through Cygnus with the naked eye, and could see M31 clearly in binoculars, but not with the naked eye (my usual test in our neck of the woods as to whether the seeing is good).

A limited session, but precious.


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The same here in Cardiff last night, I was out from 10 to 11 pm and the seeing was not great.

However there was a corker of a meteor around 10pm traveling from the West towards the south at about 45 degrees above the horizon. It was orange and green with a huge smoke trail, it looked like a firework rocket. 

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The same here in Cardiff last night, I was out from 10 to 11 pm and the seeing was not great.

However there was a corker of a meteor around 10pm traveling from the West towards the south at about 45 degrees above the horizon. It was orange and green with a huge smoke trail, it looked like a firework rocket. 

Oustanding! I just had the usual whitish streaks, sometimes stuttering, but nothing as nice as that.

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I saw plenty of pale green trails but nothing huge or particularly long, there were plenty of them though so it was good, and could make out the Milky Way across most of the sky after about 40 minutes out in the dark.  Stayed out until midnight then work sleep demanded my attendance in bed.

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