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Perseids 2015 & Storm potential

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Hi everyone,

Hope you're meteor spotting goes well tonight.

Just a quick warning to anyone along the south coast of England. There IS currently a storm rumbling away out in the channel (fair bit of lightning too). Looks like it's moving fairly slowly but keep an eye out & stay safe.

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I went out from 10:50 to 11:20 approx and counted 7 meteors in that period. A couple of really bright ones up through Cassiopeia. A few headed across Pegasus and faded out around Vulpecula / Sagitta.

Quite good going compare with previous occasions !

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Been looking just now. Counted 10 in about 15-20 minutes, most of the ones I saw were around Ursa Major/Bootes/Hercules/Draco.

And my partner's 13 year old son, who thinks my going out late at night with binoculars is "weird", was stood there going "Wow" and "whoa" at them......

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Sorry, Dave in Vermont. Didn't mean to get your hopes up. :p

Walshie, it was kind of the same the first time I took my wife out to see them. She wasn't very happy with me dragging her out at first (she's not a night person) & when we got to our viewing destination, she grumpily asked what she was looking for. I simply replied, "You'll know when you see it." just as one streaked across the sky. Her immediate reaction was a very genuine & very impressed, "WOW!" We stayed out for 2 hours. :p

Well, a lovely clear night here in the end. Saw 12 gorgeous streaks across the sky, but alas, I don't think I caught any of my camera.

I DID, however, step on a slug so, swings & roundabouts and all that. :)

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