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Hello from the Yorkshire - UK


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Hello fellow stargazers :) my names Mike and i am new to the stargazers lounge.

A bit about me :)...

Im 33 from yorkshire area, self employed car valeter/detailer. I have had an interest in space all my life but have never had the opportunity to get my self a decent telescope to gaze at the moon/stars with :(

Now i am looking to find a good telescope that i an control via my laptop, A telescope i could place on my extension roof and gaze at the stars from my laptop in the living room.

Any information on what telescope could be best for my first one and also not too expensive :( anywhere near the thousand mark is a no go at this moment in time.

I have had a look my self and so far found -> Sky-Watcher Skyhawk-1145P Parabolic Newtonian Reflector Telescope. I dont know if this can be controlled by a laptop/pc but it came up in my search for computer controlled telescope. 

I look forward to your responses :) cant wait to become part of the stargazing lounge community. 

Warm regards

Mike K

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Hi and welcome. There's always friendly good advice on the forums you just need to ask. I'm from Yorkshire my self Wakefield area. Most goto mounts can be controlled via a lap top and there are some celestron mounts that are even Bluetooth or gps. A celestron 127 Mac is a nice scope mounts a bit wobbly for around £350 and with the right cables can be run via PC or u can get Bluetooth that plugs in and u can run it that way. Have fun searching


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Ah yes, more fellow Yorkshire folk..

Welcome to the lounge..

Oh and don't worry about not having a scope for the preseids, just get out and look up, to the North east.. you'll probably see more by eye than through a scope for this kind of event..



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Hi Mike and welcome to SGL, Purchasing a scope for remote control will need some investigation. Mounting the scope on the roof of a property extension, might just cause problems, with interference from thermal currents, if the room is centrally heated and there is not sufficient roof insulation, a point to be checked out. Then there is the question protection from the elements and regular maintenance. It is not like a remote obsy which can be shut down and your gear remains protected. Unless, of course, it is your intention to mount one on the roof.

I can not comment on the control and electronics side, but if I was contemplating doing this, as a remote observation project, I would certainly not choose a telescope below 150mm aperture and certainly something a little bigger, as I think you would be disappointed in the outcome, best of luck with your intentions :)

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Hi Mike,

Welcome to the forum. I have the Skyhawk 1145P and it's a very nice little scope. I got is as my first scope some years ago now, but still use it regularly despite having bought several other scopes since. In fact, it's sat next to my desk as I type this! I'm not aware that you can get a motor drive or computer controller for it, but if you just want to get out and do some observing without spending a huge amount of money then it's ideal. I don't really know a great deal about the computerised side of things, but I do know that they make things get rather expensive rather quickly. However, I'm sure there are others on the forum who can provide you with the advice you need if this is the sort of thing you're interested in.


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I would have thought something like a skywatcher mount, (eq3-2?), eqmod cable and a small fast scope skywatcher 130pds.  Then you need a camera, perhaps a samsung scb-2000, but it's going to work out ~£700 ish I reckon at least.  For a lot less you could get a skywatcher 200p dob http://www.firstlightoptics.com/dobsonians/skywatcher-skyliner-200p-dobsonian.html  and some decent warm clothes - it depends on why you need or want to be able to do it all remotely.

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Hi Mark thanks for the info :) il look in to them.

Hopefully find something soon so i can get gazing lol.

Have you been gazing long? Noticed anything good? Im gutted i wont have my scope for the meteor shower :(

I've come to the hobby only in the last two years. As for seeing anything good every thing I see is awesome when I saw Saturn fro the first time I was speechless but having said that every time I see anything it's awesome Jupiter,Orion nebula,M45,open clusters and the milkyway well what can u say about that


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Hello and a warm welcome to the SGL. You will have to think very carefully about putting a scope on the roof. Even using a remote set up, which can be quite expensive, you will still need to have regular access to the scope and protecting your scope and connections will be a real problem.

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Hi Mike,

Warm welcome to SGL, hope you enjoy the forums. Can only echo John's advice above, and be careful about any residual heat that will produce thermal currents and spoil your viewing.

A Mak 127 would be ideal for remote use as it is a smaller package and can come with a decent goto. Narrow field of view is the only disadvantage.

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