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Hello from Germany


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Hi all,

My name is Jürgen (or Juergen for those with non-German keyboards ), I live in the Northwestern part of Germany at +53°, where the midnight dawn just ends around this time. Occasionally, there are no clouds or fog over here (can understand the UK fellows very well), then I mostly do astrophotography. With this, I started around 45 years ago taking deep-sky and solar system shots with an SLR and all kind of famous film material, such as Ilford FP-4, Kodak Tri-X, Fujichrome 100, later also with hypersensitized film. I was rather late in switching to digital photography. This happened in 2006 with a Canon EOS 350D. The next major step was changing to a monochrome CCD in 2011, and as all of you know, you always have to eliminate the weakest link of a chain, so the equipment was improved step by step. I ended up (not really) this year with a Takahashi FSQ-85 (Baby-Q) on a 10Micron GM1000 HPS mount (just ordered) and an Atik 460EX camera. A few of my astrophotography results you may find at astrobin.com, where my user name is JuergenB. I do not know why I did not register earlier to here, because I knew this nice forum already for a while.

I hope to exchange ideas and to motivate others, as well as being motivated myself by your hints and comments.


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Hi everybody,

Thank you very much for your warm welcome. I appreciate very much that our hobby is a very international one. Let's make the world a bit smaller and enjoy the beauty of our universe.

Clear skies


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