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new solar system imager

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Hey guys

I am looking to purchase a new solar system imager. There seems to be a lot of choices but I have narrowed it down to just a couple. Which one do you think will be best value for money. The nexi image 5 model is the highest amount I can currently spend

Oh and the scope I am using is an 8 inch dob





Astro man 

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I would avoid Orion as some of their cameras aren't widely supported. Celestron Neximage 5 is somewhat good, but at that price range you can look for second hand ASI120/QHY5L-II or alike cameras. Color QHY5L-II is even listed cheaper than Neximage 5 on TS site

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If your'e interested in planetary imaging, the Neximage Burst may be more suitable than the Neximage 5 though I've never compared the two.  But as Piotr says there are other cameras available used in that price bracket that would perhaps be a better choice.

However, imaging with a dob will be hard unless it's one of the tracking models, and there's not a whole lot about to image at the moment planet-wise so if waiting would allow you to get something better then that may well be a good option.


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