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North America and Pelican Nebulae 2-Panel Mosaic in Narrowband Bicolour Palette


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See full resolution and capture/equipment details here: http://www.astrobin.com/195978/

This involved 15 minute exposures in Hydrogen-Alpha and Oxygen-III - 15 per filter, per mosaic panel, totaling 60 exposures, captured over 3 nights. 

The capture site was O'Hara's Battery in Gibraltar, the official Gibraltar Astronomical Society's site for astronomy/astrophotography. All pre- and post-processing was done lovingly in PixInsight.

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An interesting colour choice which is subjective of course. If I'm honest I find that turquoise star incredibly distracting. A quick layer and colour select tool in PS would have that a more 'normal' less distracting colour in a minute :)

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There's more to life in imaging than just Pixinsight..... :D

Heresy! :p

I touched up the most aggressively coloured stars with a modified star mask and the ColorSaturation process. All done now, and updated my AstroBin page as well as my blog! :)

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