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Mopping up Caldwell objects


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About the first clear night in ages here? Even within shelter, the scope

was still bucking about in the breeze. But I was determined to give the

Watec 910HX a go!  :p (Moreover some objects I hadn't seen before) 

Some are "pushed a bit" in post processing. Worth a re-visit - Maybe

incorporating a Neodymium or UHC filter to reduce the background?

C27 (NGC6888) Crescent Nebula


C12 (NGC6946) Fireworks Galaxy


C4 (NGC7021) Iris Nebula


C19 (IC5146) Cocoon Nebula


C30 (NGC7321) Deer Lick Galaxy group


I did have a go at Stephen's Quintet

(It was smaller than I had thought!) ;)

Requires a darker piece of sky too?


Actually, here's an All Sky (140 deg.) VIDEO image

with the Watec 120N+. Definitely shows up the local

(not actually bad) light pollution on the N.Wales coast. 

In fairness the gain is cranked WAY way up for this one!


My best skies are probably to the South West...

Roughly in direction of the Snowdonia Nat. Park?  :)

The light in the East is either the beginning of dawn

Or the good citizens of L'Pool "Out on the Lash"? :D

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Thanks Guys. :)

Paul: The "all sky" shots aren't aesthetic, but I feel I'm learning something! lol

They do confirm my general impression of where the *light pollution* lies?

Around here (even with my dodgy eyes) you can see the Milky Way... But

a lot of, otherwise "clearish", nights seem to lack sufficient  transparency? :o

Robert: Yes, it was with the "stick and string" 8" / F4. One hundred "events"

with the 910HX set to (the maximum) 256x *fields* - This updates the screen

every 5.12(?) sec! My patience will just about run to 8.5 minutes per object! :D

General Aside: I was getting quite a few "dud" frames, when the wind gusted.

These were deleted in "VirtualDub" prior to stacking via Registax v.5. Such

things do seem to genuinely assist (otherwise intelligent) stacking programs. 

Yes... I too was rather pleasantly surprised by the "Fireworks Galaxy". Visual

astronomers describe it as fairly challenging? Another "+1" for Video Astro?  :cool:

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Yeah you can certainly see where the light pollution is!

I can't see the Milky Way from my back garden, but I want to get the Lodestar onto a lens at some point and hopefully observe it that way!

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