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Greetings from Montreal, Canada


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While not a complete astronomy newb, I decided to return to the hobby after a lengthy hiatus. Scanning regional online classified ads brought me into possession of a Meade Starnavigator 102mm GOTO refractor at a price that was just too good to pass up. I could not believe how much scope you can get for so little money these days, got to love China in this case. However, it didn’t take long for that scopes shortcomings to make themselves known using my previous scope, a nice F4.5 150mm reflector as a reference, unfortunately.

That was traded for a 102mm Celestron SLT. Although a superior instrument, it too fell a little short of my expectations and was subsequently resold.

When a well cared for Celestron 6SE became available at a reasonable price, it seems to be a well regarded unit so I jumped at the opportunity. While only a few hundred dollars more expensive than the SLT, the difference between the two is immense. This is my first experience with a Schmidt-Cassegrain design and I`m liking what I`m seeing so far. The scope came with a SkyQ interface and a Meade 5000 series 26mm Plossl.

I`m thinking an external power supply, dew shield and perhaps a focal reducer would complement the scope nicely, I kept the Celestron eyepiece, Barlow and filter kit from earlier so I think I`m good there.

I look forward to getting back into the hobby and participating on this site.

Kindest regards,


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Hi Michael and welcome to SGL - Glad that you found us and hope that you enjoy your time here. Looks like you've already settled well into continually changing scopes and always seeking more :D :d

Look forward to seeing you around :)

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HI M514,

Warm welcome to SGL, hope you enjoy the forums. The sct's are great scopes, the first thing you will need off your list is a dewshield. The miniscus attracts dew like doggy doo attracts flies!

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Hi Michael and welcome to SGL, excursions with scopes, till you find what you like, can be can be long and drawn, sometimes expensive to boot. Sounds like you have found something in the 6SE that you are now happy with, enjoy your Astronomy and the forum :)

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Thank you all for the warm welcome :)

I found it odd that no one replied to my introduction by means of immediate email notification until I revisited
this thread, is there a particular reason why I am not receiving reply alerts even though I`m subscribed to the thread?

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