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Meade Help!

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I have a Meade DS2000 that was given to me as a yard sale find gift. I have made a few repairs to it all ready but am struggling with getting the elevation to work. I don't know if I'm missing a part, not assembling it correctly or if one or more parts are damaged,"which none appear to be". I have included a few pictures. I have tried installing the parts in every possible configuration that I can think of, but the part that holds the scope doesn't move when I power the up down buttons on the hand control. When using the up down buttons the large gear #5 does turn with plenty of power, it is however free spinning on the shaft. 

'Im assuming that in order for the gear to turn the shaft it would need to be fixed to the shaft. anyone that can give me any input on how this scope functions would be greatly appreciated, as I am a " very severely limited budget beginning astronomer", with two little girls that are showing an interest.



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I'm new to this forum and to agronomy in general.

Is the scope a ds2114 or ds2130 type by Meade?

If so I may be able to offer some limited assistance as I too have played with one of these in recent weeks.

I must stress that I am a beginner to all this and although quite techy have never played with telescopes before.

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OK.  Like you seem to be 'm on a severely restricted budget.

I have an example of the scope you have here.  It works.

Tomorrow, UK time, I'll strip apart the gear assembly to resemble what you have in the pics.

Hopefully then we can compare what I have that currently works with what you have,

Really hope this helps and i PROMISE. to post pics tomorrow for you.


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It amazes me how helpful people can be on this site to fellow astronomers to strip down a perfectly good mount to help another out wow,well done Tony and good luck Conoehat I hope this works,I,ll watch this thread with interest.

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I remembered that I had already done this leather washer fix so at the moment I haven't stripped the mount.   I think the diagram here and the info will help you put it together in the right order.  it may well be that you have the "slippage" mentioned and this fix worked for mine.


If that doesn't do it or you can't follow the diagram against what you have, then let me know and I'll start the strip down.

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The diagram doesn't look anything like what I have. I noted mention of making a leather washer. Also there was mention of a "spring washer" this might be the missing part. I'm going to cut a leather washer but dont think it will help since there is nothing creating pressure on the large gear to hold it to the shaft rotation. my last resort will be to epoxy it, but don't want to do  that until all other avenues of repair are exhausted.

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OK  My mount will come apart tomorrow then.  It looks very similar to the one in your pics externally.  Not sure now what mine has inside. 

 Guess I'll find out.

I do seem to remember that a lot of people that commented on this mount in other forums had sometimes forgotten to tighten the centre knob when using the motors.  Others had overtightened.

One vital thing I found when I put mine back together was to push through the centre spindle then tighten the nylock nut (the first one removed) This nut put the right tension on the discs and there was some trial and error to get this to the point where when I rotated the outer knob I had slack for using the scope manually and then when tightened that it had just enough friction to hold so that the scope was driven by the motors.   The leather washer fix is designed to assist in getting this friction without slippage.

I've started taking some pics. Rest will be apart real soon and I'll post the lot for you.

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Hi Canoehat

Firstly I must apologize for the delay.

Next, apologies for no pics yet. I can't seem to get them off my blackberry to my pc.

What I can say is that you have no parts missing.  I have all of the same.

I did a bit of digging and it seems that this info may be able to sort your issue. It certainly applied when I played with my mount and from your description, this is the most accurate info I think I can recommend.

If it doesn't help, please trawl through on the DS scope section and I think you'll find what you need.


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