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At what point are the calibration frames used ??

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I am trying to get my head round the jump from OSC to LRGB imaging.

I think I have most of the basics straight in my mind now except one point.

Once I have got my LRGB subs all safely tucked away on my PC at what point do I use my Darks, Bias and Flats ???  During the stacking process, after the images are stacked but before combined or after the RGB have been combined - or some other point completely !!??

Adding to my confusion is that the 2x2 binned RGB images will be smaller than my darks flats and bias or should I shoot darks, flats and bias binned 2x2 to match the RGB images and at 1x1 for the luminance - ARGH !!!!!

Please stop me pulling out the few remaining hairs I have left !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I might try this without calibration frames to start with.

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OK, calibration should be done as you stack. (Here OSC adds a minor level of complexity you can ignore with mono. Nice!)

To do it properly you should have darks, flats and bias matching your image (light) files. Bin 1 lights really need bin 1 darks, flats and bias. Bin 2 lights need Bin 2 darks, flats and bias. You can experiment with what you really feel you need but that's the textbook and a good place to start. When I deviate from the textbook it's because I've found I can get away without any loss that I can detect.

While you can bin colour, do remember that it isn't compulsory. I never do it. If you have done it then I'd start by calibrating with Bin2 calibration files and process the RGB on that basis before upsizing it to fit your Bin 1 L stack.


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Adding to my confusion is that the 2x2 binned RGB images will be smaller than my darks flats and bias or should I shoot darks, flats and bias binned 2x2 to match the RGB images and at 1x1 for the luminance - ARGH !!!!!

Yes I am afraid you have to take binned calibration files as well - pain isn't it?!

You add the calibration files to the captured lights when you stack them.


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