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Can I see it???


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Hi everyone!

Here in Greece we are having a hard time, so in order to unwind and relax I thought about making a list of all the things I want to see in my "vacations" in my village. That is if I go.

We have reasonably dark skies there (I have spotted M8 and M20 with binos) and I may even go to camp in the mountains where the All Greek astronomers astroparty was held 3 years ago.

So, I have a small 60mm refractor telescope. I know M8 and M20 will reveal more to me, I may also see M4 and M6, M7 stuff like that. The Andromeda Galaxy and Pleiades but I was wondering if I could see the Veil in Cygnus... Say under pitch black skies in the mountains...

Every insight on the matter would be great.

P.S: Tell me other wonders of the cosmos to gaze upon through my little scope too!

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Hi Tzitzis,

Have a read of this thread, all seen with a 76mm scope from Samos, should give you an idea.


I did spot the Veil, although the conditions were not great. I used a very good UHC filter which is worth looking into.

M7 looks great, don't miss M22 and 28, whilst M8, 20, 16 and 17 are fabulous.

M11, of course, plus plenty more.

Give the North America Neb a go too if you have very dark skies.

Have fun!

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Things do not appear if I edit so Part2.

Each started out as a list of 5 items in each class, some never made it to 5 and some ended up more then 5. :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:

Intention was to print on 6x4 card.

Had one for Planets but there are not 5 planets worth trying for at present.

You could print on A4 but they will I think appear in the top left corner, maybe change page to A4 and position it in the centre, then you can scribble on the rest of the sheet.

Another option is to look for "binocular objects".

AL Programs

Search out a suitable Binocular program.

Have this hanging around: http://www.astronomysource.com/programs/first-10-objects/

Several years worth of targets: http://www.skymap.com/smp_target_lists.htm

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Well thanks for giving me an insight all I want to ask is that will I be able to see with a 60mm? You had a 76mm Stu, will it be a big difference?

Well I can't guarantee it obviously, mainly because as Michael says, it depends a lot on sky conditions.

I've seen the eastern veil and the NAN in 15x50 binoculars, so I believe that a 60mm scope with a widefield eyepiece giving a 4 or 5 degree field of view at low mag should have a chance. The UHC really helps.

Many of the objects highlighted in my first reply should be no problem eg M8 etc. lots of the small globs will probably be out of reach though so I would focus on the brighter/larger objects and clusters. M7 will be lovely, M22 good too

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Well thanks for giving me an insight all I want to ask is that will I be able to see with a 60mm? You had a 76mm Stu, will it be a big difference?


I have a 60mm. M8, M16, M17 and M20 can all be easily seen with a UHC filter.

Consider though that here daylight is much longer and all these targets are much lower than in Greece. It might be that if you observe from a reasonably dark sky over there, you won't need the UHC to spot them, although the view would of course benefit if you have one! 

Good luck! 

Cheers, Piero


I cross my fingers for Greece and Greek people 

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I don't have a UHC, and giving the situation I'm not going to buy one nowhere soon. At the moment I am trying to finish my studies which I fear will end prematurelly.

Me and my family are having a really hard time, we are struggling to get by. 

Anyway I can always try if I go in my village, and of course I can always dream about gazing upon them... That will keep me going mates :)

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