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Heq5 Pro Power Supply

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Hello, I'm glad I got around to make my first post. Being naturally shy and always finding the answers I looked for here spoiled me - big thanks to all forumers.

I bought an heq5 coming only with a mains adapter and I was looking forward to build a power supply system to take the telescope on outdoor trips and I I wanted to make sure I got everything right, here's the shopping list :

16,5 Ah AGM Leisure Battery (sorry for the italian link) :


Clamps to lighter adapter :


Lighter to 12v adapter (listed output is  2.0 a, is it enough?):


And to recharge the battery this one :


How does it look ?

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The link to battery doesn't open so I can't comment, if you can find a similar battery with a higher capacity that one would be a better option. The lighter to 12v adapter is rated at 2a, this may be a little low, 5amps would be better and the lead length should be longer if possible.

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I would double check the charger, the listed ones are all appear "standard" lead acid in one way or another.

A deep cycle, as the battery link appears to be (it will not display at present for me), is charged slightly differently, tends to be a low current more like a trickle charge, and I cannot see that aspect covered in the charger.

Will say it might be in there but if so it is not standing out.

GEL / AGM / WET refer to the "fluid" in which the plates sit, no idea of START-STOP.

So no apparent mention of deep cycle.

As said not standing out, it may handle it, so a little unsure.

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Thanks for the replies, you both made good points ! The link works again but I'll post the specs in case:

Zenith Sealed Battery, Silicone AGM Deep cycle ZLS 12V 16,5 Ah/20h. Connectors: F2. Weight 4,3Kg. Dimensions: 151x99x97(101)mm

I read the mount shouldn't absorb more than around 2 ah under heavy load, this would mean the battery would last around 6 hours (minding the ah will be lower than stated), is it right ?

I did some research and it seems there isn't a separate category of chargers for deep cycle batteries but those (I'm still quoting ^^) with a 3 stage charging cycle and low (no more than 20% of the batteries) Ah are preferable.

Maybe this one is better then : http://www.valex.it/webvalex/prodotti.nsf/WebScheda/I1851204001?OpenDocument. It seems to be 3 stage and 2 ah.

About the lighter adapter, would this be better http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/12v-Car-cigarrete-cigar-accesory-lighter-plug-to-DC-2-1mm-5-5mm-/252001604930?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item3aac775542, it says :

  • In line 1 amp fuse supplied
  • 22AWG cable rated - 1amp - 7 amp at 12 volt DC

I'm not sure what the fuse is haha

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