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Is this a good entry level scope?

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Depending where you are in the sky, the amount of field rotation will vary considerably, but the general feeling seems to be that an alt-az is not suited for long exposures. Having said that, I went from a tripod directly to an EQ mount. What exposure is needed for what object, etc. is a big variable. I chose an EQ mount in order to have more options.

I am told the alt-az is easier to star hop with for observing. I do a little observing with my goto mount, but I have scope control for Stellarium. I do a search in Stellarium for my intended, then click on it and press CTRL1 and the mount slews right on it.

If you see yourself doing much imaging, you'll want a guiding rig added on eventually as well. With a decent EQ mount and careful set up, unguided images of 2-5 minutes are possible, but due to PE you'll be throwing out some subs. I got some images that pleased me that way.

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So I wouldn't really be able to do long exposure shots without more distortions in the image?

You will be very limited as to imaging without a German equatorial mount. The scope you are thinking of is more use for visual and too slow for imaging. Have a good look around other posts on the forum for ideas. Do not rush it.


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Hi DsmEvo and welcome to SGL. :)

The thing I found with that particular model is that the tripod was a bit light weight and too unstable. What with the weight of a 127 Mak on it and the plastic spreader and wobbly joints. It can be firmed up but you would be better off getting an appropriate mount for your purpose.

The alt/az would be ok for taking shots of planets with a webcam - but you will be only adding weight by strapping a dslr camera on the back of it. To do long exposure an EQ mount is more appropriate. The point is - an alt/az mount has to constantly move in two planes - up/down and left/right. For LE imaging you need a mount that only moves in a single plane (right ascension) and automatically tracks as the Earth spins - and that's a polar aligned EQ mount.

Also the Mak127 has a long focal length (f12 IIRC) and you need something with a faster focal ratio nearer to f5 for effectively capturing dso's. Hth :)

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As a general guide for non-planetary imaging you need an equitorial mount and a fast scope (fast often being short also). The 127 is a "long" slow scope on an Alt/Az mount, it manages to not match all the bits. :grin: :grin:

One other aspect is that the mount is likely up towards the maximum weight on it, so adding a DSLR is adding to the weight on the mount.

You could put a webcam in and go planetary imaging, however the planets are sort of restricted to 3 and those 3 are not around all the time. Mars is a questionable target as it always causes problems.

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Wow!  A lot of great responses in here while I slept!

I'm trying to stay at the $500 or less range right now to get started.  Thankfully I already have my DSLR.

Can someone reccommend to me a good scope in that range?  I'm utterly new here and really want to learn more about this and I don't want to get it wrong from the get go.

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Wow!  A lot of great responses in here while I slept!

I'm trying to stay at the $500 or less range right now to get started.  Thankfully I already have my DSLR.

Can someone reccommend to me a good scope in that range?  I'm utterly new here and really want to learn more about this and I don't want to get it wrong from the get go.

Celestron 5SE second hand. There is a lot to be said for second hand units in good condition. A lot of money to be saved.


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+1 for the second hand recommendation. There are a lot of people that lose interest in this hobby or are bought entry level scopes as presents and don't get into it. There are some bargains to be had and there is nothing wrong with the kit for the vast majority of them.

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