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Sixpenny Handley Star Party 2015

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This years Sixpenny Handley Star party is on!

Sorry to those waiting to hear about this but I have been super busy since SGL-X and have only just got round to sorting this years event out.

Dates for this year are the 11th to the 18th of October, main event is, of course, the weekend (16th, 17th and 18th). I had hoped to pick an earlier date to avoid the possibility of the the bad weather we had last year, unfortunately full moons and summer holidays have prevented that.

The booking system is the same as previous years, namely you need to book direct with the site. Remember to say you're with the 'Astronomy Lot' so they put you in the right place and possibly give you a discount. Please PM me when you book so I can keep track of numbers and names.

Church Farm Campsite - tel: 01725 552563  (website - http://www.churchfarmcandcpark.co.uk)

Site and area details attached.

Hope to see some of you there....again.... :smiley:

6dH info.doc

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Thanks for letting us know, Mark. It's a little disappointing that the party is in October again, though, as the weather last year was so awful that it really ruined the event for us, which is why we eventually bailed early rather than staying for the full week. We did all say at the time that October wasn't the best choice due to the inclement weather that the area usually experiences at that time of the year, and we were under the impression that the consensus was we would be looking at an early September date.

Bottom line, this has pretty much put the kibosh on myself and CJ coming along this year. If we do then it will be a spur of the moment thing and probably for the weekend and then only IF the weather is good (I also suffer from a long-term lung condition, so prolonged exposure to damp is really not a good idea for me!).

Bummer, but hopefully the weather gods might have a change of heart this year instead of slamming us with the worst storm of the year, and we may get to see you all again.

Best to all,

CJ & Kes


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I had a similar experience when i came to Sixpenny Handley 3 years ago, it's a great site but the weather was awful.  I won't chance booking in advance.  I'll see if there are any spaces nearer the time if the weather forecast is OK.


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Just booked for the whole week. Campervan has died, so I'll just have a tent.

No Michigoose, either, she has prior commitments. I am bringing a fellow SGL'er (Jason Greene); have to bring somebody as I'm too old and decrepit to set up the tent by myself.

It may rain all week, so I'll bring my Negamco baseball game to pass the time.

If there are no stars we'll just have to party!


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Thanks Allan, Dana.

I had really wanted to get it earlier but the moon was pushing it too early into September that it was clashing with lots of other stuff I've got going on.

It was touch and go if I was going to be able to make it at all.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That camp site is cursed :) Been there 3 times now and the weather has always been bad news.  Best of luck to people going though and will keep my fingers crossed its good weather for you.

Admittedly last years weather was a bit shocking and there was a rather large object in the sky which said i'd never mention again however the two years previous was glorious, not every night but the year before last we were getting great skies, a massive meteor show and an epic lightning storm that was completely silent......

For me its holiday first, a week away is a week away, anything after that is a bonus

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  • 4 weeks later...

Oh noes! I've only just seen this (which tells you how much attention I've been paying to astro lately...) but alas I've already committed to Pencelli on the same week. I was thinking to do a weekender with you guys as well, but the gods of chronology are against me. I'll miss finding out what the Cyborg Astronomer has wrought this time ;)

I hope you guys have fun :D


PS Mark, nay bother, you've always said the emphasis is towards the tail end of the name "star party" and I know what it can be like trying to organise things between and around your own life. Hopefully, "build it and they will come" applies ;):D Sorry I can't join you this time around.

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  • 4 weeks later...


Quick bump as it's just over two weeks away now :)

Had a quick scoot at the long term forecast and the weather is looking to be quite good.

Can't wait....M

Cant believe you jinxed it......

This morning is the first chance i have had to think about it, working on the Van over the weekend and then its getting a good clean out and i can see whats what.

Looking forward to seeing you all there.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bar a few tiny details the motorhome is ready.. I just hope all the engine improvements are right and worth it. Started breaking down the scope but i havent been in my obs in a while and there are many many spiders to contend with and i don't like spiders.

I plan to be on site early saturday morning if all goes according to plan

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Very close now. :grin:

Plenty of room for last minute bookings.

Been super busy at work recently and the misses delivered a baby girl last week, so not had much time to get ready.

It'll be a mad dash on Saturday to get the kit out and checked and packed and buy food and do the washing and... you get the idea.

Hope to be on site late Sunday afternoon.

Reeealy need the break!

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Huge congratulations to you and the missus on the new arrival, Mark! Hope mum and ankle-biter are doing well.

We're planning to roll up on Sunday afternoon and then it's all hands on board to get the Heee-uge tent up!

Don't wanna jinx things, but that weather forecast is actually looking reasonable (as in no F9 gales)... :laugh: Yay! No having to tie the tent to the car this year, then...

See you all on Sunday.

Kes & CJ

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