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Sun 21st June


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I have finally had a break in the clouds.... There is a great big event in the 7 O'clock position. I think Rob mentioned this is his status update, although it is no longer a hedgerow. it looks fantastic so if you get the chance go and have a look. This is the type of prominence we were getting used to last year.

There is also a lovely central area showing some excellent plage and swirling detail, this is all around the grouped of "black as hell sunspots".

Well I am back outside to make the most of it.

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At least you have had your fill Craig which is great, I just hope we get some chances to get some prolonged viewing during the coming months :laugh:

From what I have seen on Solarham we have missed some great events due to this stubborn cloud cover.

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Between 67 & 93 :smiley: Great minds and all that.

The 67 is with the Baader 32mm plossl. The 93 set at 23mm is with the LZ both are delivering fantastic but very different views.

I am off out again.

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This is a great range for good seeing, my Quark is giving some really fine views. Yes, once we all have these things figured out we'll end up with similar mags etc- but hey Great Minds do think alike :grin:

The polariser is working well too, pulling out more surface detail.

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Excellent, I am chuffed to bits you got your Quark sorted Gerry, they really are fantastic for the layout in cash.

The new portable battery back I bought is fantastic and is working well, each charge will last about 16 hours. In addition the heat indicator light on the Quark is as green as I have ever seen it. So all is good with the world :smiley:

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