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upgrade already???

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A 130P for £89 unused does sound like a good bargain - especially if it has a tripod or dobsonian base with it. Just make sure you see it first to ensure it is in fact brand new condition and complete. It's usually a good idea to post up a link so we can look at it and give you an opinion. :)

OK hang on ill send

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I'd avoid anything on an eq2 mount. it's gonna wobble around like crazy and a sneeze would set it of shaking. of course its your money, but I can't recommend strongly enough the need for a descent mount. thats why dobsonians are so popular. you get all the benifits of a larger newtonian scope on a cheaper, vastly superior mount. for visual, it's hard to beat a dob 

Also, be very aware, what you see in the eyepiece will be nothing... and I mean nothing like what you see on 12string. No colour, no photographic images, just smudges for the most part. look in the sketching section for a better idea of what you'll see

sorry to be on a downer, but best know what you're in for :)

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I would give them a call and ask what refurbishments were done before buying - the scope was returned by another customer. You don't know if they dropped it and dented it, or if it's just a leg clip replaced. Any damage to the tube itself I would avoid. Also I agree with Scott - the mount and tripod are very elementary not terribly stable. If there's a chance you can get out to a local astro club or shop and see some scopes, you'll get a much better idea of equipment. :)

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The motor is a very useful item - takes away the need for manual tracking. But you won't like the finder on the Astromaster - it's pretty much the most rubbish item I've seen on a scope and will need replacing. :)

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I'm going to narrow it down to the skywatcher heritage 130p, astromaster 130eq and the skywatcher 130... all roughly in the 90-140 odd region....oh I hate decisions!!

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I may be wrong, but you seem eager to part with your money. if you've got things coming up, get them out of the way and then start saving. It will be far more rewarding in the long run. better to wait for the right scope than be disappointed with the wrong one. I'll bow out now :)

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I was going to post what Scott / auspom has. A little more of a budget would get you into 6" - 8" dobsonian territory which are apertures which can show you real detail on the Moon and planets and hundreds of deep sky objects, some, such as globular clusters, with some real form and resolution to them.

If you stay with the hobby (and you seem very enthusiastic :smiley: ) I can see a further upgrade from 114mm - 130mm being in you mind almost straight after you start using new scope.

Sorry if this is not quite what you want to hear :embarrassed:

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From what I've read the 130p is a nice scope. Good idea to delay until after NY. Good scopes will still be around and looking for a home when you return :)

In terms of seeing any difference between a couple of sizes, I can offer a straight 4.5" v 6" reflector tryout v 90mm Mak ( which is almost up and running but a very different beast to the reflectors in terms of focal length). Could be a fun evening if the cloud gods permit. Sadly my tiny backyard loses Jupiter and Venus to the chimney forest very early, but there's still Saturn and maybe the Moon...plus a couple of more distant sweeties :)

Have a great trip btw!

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Well I got the moon good and proper tonight with my cheapo 2x Barlow and 10mm. It was a little bright so I need a filter also. It filled my entire ep couldn't belive the detail!. I can only imagine when I get around to getting my upgrade I'll be in awe :-). Sadly Jupiter and Venus disappeared early behind the house ato the bottom of the garden, plus there's an annoying court yard light that's on all night I'm sure if that wasn't there id get much better views!. Saturn is at such an angle I can't get my scope on it at all

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Good stuff re the Moon :)

Shame about Saturn. But....you've a Travelscope/backpack combo? Sounds like a trip to somewhere more spacious is in order!

Don't know which part of East London you're in, but Hackney Marshes is pretty open on all sides (I'm off there with the 90mm once my new tripod head arrives - should be a good local site - for me - as it's only a five minute cycle).

Maybe have a look around your part of town for someplace similar? Saturn's well worth the trip!

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I'm just down the road from you - Leyton side of the Lea Bridge Road

I'm in Walthamstow.not much around here except the park best place is up Chingford over the huge open fields.

I'm just down the Lea Bridge Road (Leyton side), so nearly next door.

You've not been on the Hackney Marshes? Good expanse of sky...

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