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SX Trius 25C - What Bayer matrix setting?


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I have just borrowed an SX Trius 25 OSC camera from a friend. When I batch process in PI with darks, bias and flats I am aware that I will need to click on some sort of bayer matrix pattern.

How do I know what this is? I have looked on the SX website and I can't see it there and I've also searched the net to no avail.

Hope someone can either tell me what it is or tell me how I can find out.

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I took a daytime shot and then tried the various Bayer patterns offered by Astro Art (in my case) till purple carrots turned orange and blue apples turned green. There are not that many possibilities and the right one soon turned up. This is what AstroArt suggested and it worked.


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Aren't these things written down anywhere to save me taking pictures of carrots? :)

Sadly  not, I too used Olly's  method - it works a treat! I don't use carrots though, I use the teak chairs in my conservatory with the coloured bird feeders in the background :grin: :grin:

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Here is the very image that I first used to calibrate my own M25C. These are untouched apart from the colour extraction but I did use an IR filter to capture the original image:-

Incorrect Offset 1


Incorrect Offset 2


Correct Offset


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Surely the bayer matrix will be the same for each camera using the same chip?

You'd think so, Sara but I have never been able to get DSS to de-bayer my M25C images using any setting! That is not proof that they are not consistent in itself but itis strange that MaxIm DL for example can do it perfectly!

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In case anyone else has the same camera and / or chip (assuming that the bayer matrix doesn't get changed between manufacturers) then the bayer matrix on the SX Trius 25C is BGGR.

It's the same matrix used in the Nikon cameras with a similar sensor......BGGR as you say.

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