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Celestron Neximage 5 & iCap 2.2 - Crashes


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Hi Guys,

I have been fascinated by the stars and planets since I was young, and last year finally bought myself a Celestron 8SE. I was really chuffed to see Jupiter and Saturn, so I decided to buy the NexImage 5 to try and take some photos.

However, I have two issues it seems:

1) I am having difficulty getting good focus (see attachment)

2) and with the software, if I try to use the sharpness slider, I immediately get the blue screen on my pc.

My PC Spec:

1. Intel Quad Core Q6700 2.66GHz (not an AMD)

2. Windows 7 64 Bit

3. 6GB

4. 18GB free on primary SSD, 700GB free on secondary HDD

I doubt that my PC is the problem (although I maybe wrong)... I have looked at a lot of posts on various forums/Google, I haven't found any clue why this is happening or anyone experiencing the same (hence I joined here). Admittedly my netbook which I used originally was a low spec Intel 0.5GB RAM, I wasn't expecting to have the same issue with my powerful desktop.


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Have you tried FireCapture i believe the v2.4 version works with the NexImage 5, it really is a superb piece of software. As for the focus issue it is difficult and Jupiter isnt getting any easier as it decends further into the murky horizon.

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Hi Kevin I use ic capture 2.2 & icap 2.3 with both my imaging source - skyris cams, are you using the correct codecs ? also leave all the settings at default you only need frame rate exposure & gain the other controls best left alone!

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