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Welcome to SGL. sounds like a mighty fine piece of kit you have there. let us know what it's like when it's out of the box!!

also - to copy what Ju Piter said - "no question is to silly." I've tested this theory pretty stringently here and it stands true!

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Welcome-you have joined a great family!

Get the boxes opened- it is much scarier trying to open the box- I know-I opened my mount box- came back from the postman delivering a parcel to find 3 cats in the box with the 4th chewing the cardboard boxes- I think Sphinx's like astronomy.....and cardboard. 

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Hi and welcome to SGL - I remember keeping all of my kit in the box for 10 months as I was too scared to open them as it all looked so difficult :D

I know the feeling.  However, I am sure as soon as I rip the tape on one of the boxes, everything else will follow, gout notwithstanding. (other complaints are available)

Welcome Tad, you're going to love it.



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