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Hello From Hertfordshire


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I have been stargazing for over fifty years (without any optical assistance other than a pair of low powered binoculars now and again) and have only once looked through a telescope (8 inch cat type) 20 years ago when holidaying in Australia. I have been haunted ever since by the crystal clear view of Jupiter and several Galilean moons. 

At present I am researching in order to select a suitable (first) telescope to further my interest. When I say 'at present' I have been absorbing information over the last few years and have been unable to decide upon type. Hopefully this site will provide some clarity and I look forward to many hours of surfing the forum!

Per adua ad astra!   

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First scope is never easy, the general tendencies are something specific or something general.

Not aware of any club very close to you, there is one SGL member in Watford (likely others), hopefully he will make an appearance. Think he has a Tal 100 (?) - memory cells need a recharge. May be worth finding out, if he appears, what scope he finds the most used and why.

Guess nearest club is SWH at Rickmansworth: http://www.swhas.org.uk/index.html

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Hi Nike and welcome to SGL, in the end, it will hopefully be "through your telescope to the stars" :) Search through the forum, I am sure there will be a lot of information to help you with your scope choice. whatever you end up with, enjoy your Astronomy :)

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Very many thanks for your kind welcome messages.

The tag lines of equipment being used by members has already helped and I look forward to scanning the heavens with an appropriate instrument shortly.

(especially as another star has joined the heavens today - RIP Christopher Lee)   

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