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OTA storage box

Lawrence Saville

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Hi All,

Quite new to all this and finding a few gotchas with the hobby, like the kit is large and where to put it!

Whilst Wifey was quite happy to have the modest Meade DS-70 left erected in the lounge the Sky-Watcher 200p and EQ5 mount was a bit of an ask!

Left the OTA in the packing box for a while but realised this was going to get trashed over time and was less than attractive hidden behind the sofa so 'something' had to be done.

There are commercially available carry cases but at £80 odd and more it was a bit much to ask for more money on the hobby given what I had just forked out for the new 200p - that plus I wanted a CCD camera and am lusting after motorised RA  - see Camera item!

Therefore it was off to the shed and time to knock something up. As it was going to be large I wanted it as light as possible - the EQ5 mount is awkward enough to cart around as is..

With bits in the workshop I ripped and planed up some old shelving - lovely  Scotts pine about 60 yrs old - into 10x15mm (ish)  strips machining 3mm grooves on the router table for the 3mm MDF sheets for the sides, top & bottom panels.

Usually one makes a box with a perfect lid by making a complete box and cutting off the top - not possible here due to the size of the beast and the construction so some fettling and head scratching making two fitting halves. Luckily the lightweight construction means the parts flex slightly allowing me a coupla mm tolerance.

Hinge was some endless plastic hinge that I've had hiding in the shed for years (and years!). Ditto the corner protectors and hard rubber feet.

The polystyrene contoured 'cups' from the original packing were covered in stretchy sticky-back black felt - to protect them as they are friable over time and you don't want lots of bits of 'styrene in and aound the OTA given how electrostatic and sticky it is!

Hinge retainer is currently bits o' string until I unearth the light chain that I am convinced that I have somewhere in my bits'n'bobs collection.

Some spare 3mm sheet was made into an EP and accessories box to keep them from rattling around. The handles are 50mm webbing off of fleabay with wood dowel in sewn pockets as this is nicer to hold than just webbing.

The strap guides were formed from some old ally strips on the garage vice with tyre levers as formers for the 'U' shape. 

Slap of paint and voila! (needs more paint)

Took a few hours over a few weekend and more mods for better storage are planned, would like some foam setting for the EPs rather than just left in their cardboard packing but that's for later.




Hope this inspires others to get in the shed!



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Thanks for the kind feedback -

Hi Damian

Thanks for the foam tip - will have a look. The stuff I am looking for it is close cell and you can work it with a router and fine cutter. Very neat results.

Chum at my shooting club had some and made a fine rifle case liner but he had the foam given to him and couldn't tell me where it came from! (nor did he have any left :( )

Hi James - yep, lift out trays coming, I have some acrylic that I will use for transparent lid on the trays. Didn't fess up earlier but I had an 'oh-no' moment where I omitted to rout the box for a slid out lid prior to gluing up - too keen and wasn't paying attention so back peddling and recovering - please don't let on :)

Other imminent mod is a length of the leftover webbing, fastened to the box base,  with velcro'd ends,   to go around the 'waist' on the OTA just to keep it snug (but not too tight)

Forgot to mention that box is tall enough to leave the finder scope attached - there are enough bits to keep track of/lose on these things as it is....


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Very nice, there is a company local to me that can make me a flight case to suit my TAL 100, it is like the case musicians use for amps and stuff and would be custom made including fitting out the interior all for £80......very tempted

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