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Standard focuser mechanism on Sky-Watcher 200p

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Hi all,

Quite new to all this and been having fun with my new Sky-Watcher 200p and getting to grips with Polar alignment etc. Suspect starting Astronomy in late Spring/start Summer was not the smartest idea as - DUH! - it's quite light until quite late ! :)

Anyways, at least I hope to be prepared for some hard core observing during the darker months with all this upfront playing around.

My question is; having read around regarding focus mechanisms and having experienced the roughness of a rack adjust on my (first purchase) Meade DS-70 (swiftly augmented by the 200p) I was looking at the Crayford types and even on how to make one myself.

Then I actually looked at the focus mech on the 200p body (doh again) and realised that it doesn't appear to be a rack type? in fact I can't quite fathom what it is and was hoping somebody more knowledgeable would know. Seems smooth and I'm wondering, if not strictly Crayford, it is Crayford-esque in design?

I was also wondering if anybody had any cunning tips for a fine focus technique or indeed mod to this? As both the adjuster wheels are the same size I was wondering if there was an after market mod to get a 10:1 or some-such wheel/mod?

Or perhaps opinion is that this is good enough as is and I need to improve my technique?. I have to confess that I don't have the best eyesight and as I wear specs I tend to find it is specs on/off either viewing (specs off) or looking up (specs on), making adjustments (specs on/off and on/off again....)

Perhaps I need to give my eyeballs a chance and get acclimatised? - however so much to do and play with as I'm still getting familiar with the kit/setup/stuff in the sky!

In fact my stumbling around in the dark losing my specs every 5 mins is hugely amusing to the family..................

So,all comments gratefully received.

Thanks all, now off to try - again - to wrap my head around the RA settings on the EQ5 mount!

Clear skies.


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As Peter says it is a Crayford focuser. They basically operate on a friction principle.

There are guides to hauling one apart and cleaning and regreasing them, the grease used is generally thick and the friction may be not set at it's best.

Concernign finding glasses get a nice sized plastic storgae tub from one of the budget shop and keep all your astro bits in that. You can then also put glasses in there or if the lid is on put them on the lid. Best to not get the ones with the black lids. I tend to take out the eyepieces I expect to use, a red torch and put them on the lid so glasses joins them. Makes life a little easier.

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Yup - similar to the one Peter mentions - I have the Lacerta microfocuser from here:


For your specs - my missus finds a lanyard very useful - I just leave my readers in my pocket and let her operate the goto handset cos I can't be ars**ed to keep taking them off and putting them on again. You should find you don't need them for focusing anyway. And dual speed focusers make a huge difference to fine tuning the view. 

One other thing, sitting down at the eyepiece makes a big difference too - much more relaxing experience. I use an adjustable ironing stool - you'll find a good one around £25 if you surf around a bit: )

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