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Pimp my Power Tank.

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Last night was my first scoping night for a couple of months. 

I set up the scope and switched on the SkyWatcher 17Ah Powertank which I'd charged fully after last use. Sadly it was dead. On taking it inside and connecting the charger I found it to be deader than dead. No activity.

My belief is that I left selector switch in the "charge" position while it was stored away and the charging circuitry has drained it below a level that will allow the charging circuit to operate.

I've just taken it apart to have a look and put the volt meter on the battery. It's only at 5v :(

In the hope of resuscitating it I've disconnected the internal wiring and connected a proper battery charger. So it's currently charging at 14.5v drawing about 3A.. That seems ok. Nothing bubbling and boiling.

Unfortunately it's probably compromised even if it does recover some capacity.

I'm only a casual scoper and don't do long sessions in the bitter cold and so far this unit has been absolutely adequate and problem free. I like the integral connectivity options too. I've used the USB sockets to run a Rasberry Pi that's currently working as a WiFi GOTO interface for SkySafari on my mobile devices.

I know people have replaced the battery in their Powertanks but wonder if their is a recommended replacement for durability?

I suspect one will be needed! 

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Ok y'all can stop worrying.

The battery seems to have recovered from it's deep discharge. The charger I used was a car battery smart charger that seemed to do a good job.

It's all back together now.

I left it for an hour or so with the flashlight and radio running and the "fully charged" indicator was still illuminated. I left it overnight with it on the normal charger to top it back up.

Rather than hide it in the garage again I'll keep it indoors where I'll be more likely to charge it periodically.

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Hi Paul

Not sure if this is applicable in your circumstances but on classic cars, where they also get left alone for long periods between use,  the guys use battery conditioners?

They plug in and monitor/top up the battery to keep it healthy.

They are quite modest in price - if one shops around  - and it may be that one of these would help prevent your problems and keep your kit in tip-top condition for when you want to grab'n'go?

Might be worth exploring? - Just a thought and good luck 


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Hi Paul

Not sure if this is applicable in your circumstances but on classic cars, where they also get left alone for long periods between use,  the guys use battery conditioners?

They plug in and monitor/top up the battery to keep it healthy.

They are quite modest in price - if one shops around  - and it may be that one of these would help prevent your problems and keep your kit in tip-top condition for when you want to grab'n'go?

Might be worth exploring? - Just a thought and good luck 


Hi, thanks for the tip.

There is a potential issue if using anything other than the supplied charger in that there is some internal circuitry that may be connected to the battery at all times. So there is a risk of damaging that with non standard chargers. I suppose I could open it up again and check to see if the mode switch disconnects all the charging electronics or not. If it does I could connect a conditioner via the pair of jack sockets that are powered at all times.

Certainly worth looking at.

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You may find that it no longer works as it should. IE: It discharges quickly or doesn't last 5 mins in use. Batteries require regular maintenance either topping up fluids or trickle charging. It is advised that a battery be charged once a month whether it is being used or not. I leave mine on an optimate wjen not in use and charge it after every session no matter how short that session. I hope you have sorted it but I suspect otherwise if it was dead.

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