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Konus 1778 - any good?


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Hi Moonwatcher and welcome to the forum.

If it's the 120 model you after then you might want to read this american review of the scope. I don't have any personal experience of this brand of scope to add to the review but for those starting out in astronomy, my personal recommendation would be to get a dobsonian type of scope like this one as it offers the best value for money per inch of aperture (in this case a mirror rather than an objective lens). This particular scope has 8" of aperture which will have enough light grasp to be able to reveal a detail on planets and structure on many deep sky objects (DSO's).

Clear skies and hope you enjoy your stay here.

p.s might want to increase the font size as it is a little tricky to read - or maybe it's just me getting older!  :grin:

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Hi Mark, welcome to SGL!  Can't disagree with others on the Dobsonian 200P, a great scope that will show you much more than the smaller refractor.  I bought a 200P (on EQ5) to start with and bought a refractor later, better to do it that way round in my opinion.

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Welcome to SGL. I think the Konus is essentially a Skywatcher Evostar 120 in a different guise. This happens a lot, the same (Synta-made) scope appearing under different brand names. I would like one for solar, but as others have said, as an all-round visual scope a Dobson would be better

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