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Hi From Berkshire

Les S

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Hi All,

I have aways wanted to start exploring the sky and now have the time to start. I have never owned a telescope so the first thing I will be looking into is what is a good one to start with on a budget of £200. I have read so many articles that I think I have totally confused myself. Any advice would be very welcome. My wife also wants to get involved.


Hi Les,

Congratulations on your purchase. Welcome.

My wife was the one who suggested we do something together after years working apart mostly. So Astro here we came. We bought a scope, it was only then I let her know that we needed cold weather gear. WHY? was the question, OOPS! I had to then duck from the flying things :) Her idea had been to sit out in the sun with a glass of wine! ERR not really.

Hope you aren't in that position.


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